Coming together from 2 states (Nebraska and Iowa), multiple counties, dozens of cities, and with an Online Campus which includes people from all across the nation and other parts of the world, we exist to be a community where people encounter Jesus and their lives are changed forever.
Here at Reach Church, we exist to be a community where people encounter Jesus and their lives are changed forever! It's to this end that we do everything that we do.
Looking for a place to volunteer?
Reach Church and our ministries consist of incredible groups of volunteers who give selflessly of their time and gifts to help impact our community and the Kingdom of God.
We believe and practice what we call life and ministry together; we know that we're better when we're serving and using our God-given gifts to his glory and the good of others!
What's coming up
It's been said that a church alive is worth the drive. We absolutely believe in life and ministry together and we look to create opportunities for our church and community to grow in faith and friendships.
Our events and activities page is a great way to see what's going on at Reach Church and to plugged in.
What are your services like?
Our services; what we affectionately call Celebration Services, on Sunday are a fun and amazing time for us to worship together and celebrate our great God - it's a unique space that we set aside time and intentionality in growing in our faith as individuals and as a community and in a variety of ways.
Frequently Asked Questions
Would you like to know about who we are and what we're up to as a church?
Be sure to stop by our FAQ's page where we have answered some of the most common questions we get asked and learn more about who we are, what we're about, and how you can get involved with us here at Reach Church.